Palo Alto Networks (PA-440) Include Precision AI Network Security Subscription Bundle , Premium support, 3 Year
- 1 x Palo Alto Networks PA-440 [PAN-PA-440]
- 2 x Power cord for Continental Europe with IEC-60320 C13 and CEE 7/7 SCHUKO cord ends,10A, 250V max, 6ft [PAN-PWR-CORD-EU]
- 1 x 50W AC power adapter for PA-440, PA-450 and PA-460 [PAN-PWR-50W-AC]
- 1 x Rack mountable tray for up to two PA-400s and 4 power adapters for a 4 post rack mount (PA-440/450/460 models only) [PAN-PA-400-RACKTRAY]
- 1 x PA-440, Precision AI Network Security Subscription Bundle (Advanced Threat Prevention, Advanced URL Filtering, Advanced Wildfire, Advanced DNS Security and Advanced SD-WAN ), 3 years (36 months) term [PAN-PA-440-BND-CORESEC-3YR]
- 1 x PA-440, Premium support, 3 years (36 months), term. [PAN-SVC-PREM-440-3YR]